By Fucked - 24/01/2011 22:47 - United States

Today, I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone. The subject of abuse came up and I told her that if her father ever hurt her I would cut his dick off. The next thing I hear is, "Don't say shit you can't back up!" Her father had picked up the phone the moment I'd said it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 761
You deserved it 13 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he didn't abuse her, shouldn't he be glad his daughter's boyfriend is -in a weird and somewhat violent way- looking out for her?

singer4life666 0

I guess you aren't going over there ever.


I don't know what the conversation was about before it got to this point but there are 2 possibilities. 1. It was about her father abusing her in which case you should get her out of there and go to the police as soon as possible!!!! or 2. It was about something else and your comment was completely unjustified in which case I (were I a parent) would get angry as well. If anybody assumed I was abusing my kids I would get mad as well!