By Fucked - 24/01/2011 22:47 - United States

Today, I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone. The subject of abuse came up and I told her that if her father ever hurt her I would cut his dick off. The next thing I hear is, "Don't say shit you can't back up!" Her father had picked up the phone the moment I'd said it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 761
You deserved it 13 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he didn't abuse her, shouldn't he be glad his daughter's boyfriend is -in a weird and somewhat violent way- looking out for her?

singer4life666 0

I guess you aren't going over there ever.


DarkHelmet 10

Aw Yeah!!! Time to nut up or shut up my friend!!!

aznmex21 3

i'd egg him on and prove a point :)

joa76 3

I'm sure the girlfriend would really appreciate that...

That's where you say "Who says I can't *sound of knife against sharpener*" Besides, unless she was worried about him abusing her, which this doesn't state, why would you even say that?

joa76 3

That's what I was just about to say (no one seems to have mentioned it yet). I know some people can come up with lots of hypothetical stuff, but that's the sort of thing that usually comes up for a reason. If she really does have any reason to worry about her dad abusing her, this isn't so much an FYL as an FHL, especially since he probably wasn't too happy about what he overheard.

wrong place at the wrong time man,but at least you care about your girlfriend?Lol.

Unless your name is Cloud Strife and you are carrying a sword 7' in length and 3' in width, you just dun goofed! Prepare to get Sonned Up!

what her dad didnt realize is that your lorena bobbits brother....

ulicksam 0

And then big bad you hung up the phone and cowered in the corner, crying for your mommy. Dickweed.

MustangMan29 13

so, what is he gonna do ? Nothing is the correct answer.

Idiot. Her father probably says the same thing about you. Why were you making such awful suggestions about him anyway, unless he actually is abusing her? In which case I think you would have made that a bit more definite in your FML.