By TrulyYours - 07/05/2009 12:39 - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone. After a short pause I hear him say "I love you." Smiling I say, "I love you too." Then he says, "I was talking to my dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 548
You deserved it 5 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao, just tell him it's a good thing he loves his dog, cuz that's the only place he'll be getting any for a while

You two will inevitably break up... his dog will still be there by his side while you're talking crap about him to all of your friends (and probably most of his friends) and posting blogs about him on myspace ridiculing the size of his penis and sexual skills! Dog 1 You 0


oohbeads 0

if it makes you feel any better my boyfriend of a year still won't tell me he loves me. he even went as far as to tell me that i didn't love him even after i told him that i did. fml

gb_chrs 2

Uhh.. Whyyy are you still together then..?

brodizzle 0

#11, why the **** is he still your boyfriend

couragewolf9001 0

#11 Sounds like a personal problem. Stop stealing the OP's thunder.

jadeddream 0

Ouch. But at least you'll outlive his dog. Dog 1 You 10

Maybe you shouldn't date a douchebag. YDI

YoUr_ObSeSsIoN 0
monkeyz0r 0

that sucks :( im trying to work up the confidence to tell my bf i love him and this reminds me why i'm too scared

#7, that's hilarious. As for the OP, who cares? $10 says you're 16 and have been dating for 2 weeks.

123sploosh 0

why does she have to be 16 to be dating for 2 weeks? everyone EVERYONE has dated for 2 weeks at one point .even old fat men like you