By TrulyYours - 07/05/2009 12:39 - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone. After a short pause I hear him say "I love you." Smiling I say, "I love you too." Then he says, "I was talking to my dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 548
You deserved it 5 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lmao, just tell him it's a good thing he loves his dog, cuz that's the only place he'll be getting any for a while

You two will inevitably break up... his dog will still be there by his side while you're talking crap about him to all of your friends (and probably most of his friends) and posting blogs about him on myspace ridiculing the size of his penis and sexual skills! Dog 1 You 0


Just reply "well I hope you bought some peanut butter" and hang up. :D

haha i must say my boyfriend has done that. so when he says i love you a certain way i always ask. "are you talking to your dog?"

brumfielddd5 0

wait, has he told you that he loves you before? because if he has, then what's the big deal? but if not, yeah FYL :P or like #32 saiddd, "i was talking to your dog too" hahah (:

nickk_v 0

This literally just made me LOL! haha

wow, this really isn't that big of a deal...

surferdude15 0

haha tht when u say " i know i was talking to my other bf"

fyLIFE 0

oh haiiil naw, haha. Can someone tell me what OP means?

YDI simply for using the wrong "too" when putting this up. /Grammar Naziism But seriously, your boyfriend is clearly an ass. In person I might be able to understand that, why one would say that over the phone when you can't see where it's directed...that's stupid and he must've known you would've thought he was talking to you. I'll put FYL and YDI. Not really your fault that he did something mean, but it is your fault that you're dating someone that insensitive. And OP means something like "Original Post/Poster". Along those lines. So basically it's just referring to the first post or the person who made the first post.

fyLIFE 0

thank you fragnox for telling me what OP means. Haha=)

My theory is he wasn't talking to his dog, he was talking to you and he wanted to know what you'd say. Maybe he wanted to hear himself say it. Maybe he's trying to convince himself he loves you when he's really just in strong like with you. Other possibilities but keep your ears open.