By fuckingfloridahowihatethee - 26/04/2014 19:55 - United States - Punta Gorda

Today, I was taking the bus to work, when a man sat down beside me. The guy was nuttier than Ron Jeremy's ballsack, and had a face like a shovel and the worst meth mouth I've ever seen. I had to sit there for ages while he frantically muttered to himself and picked at my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 414
You deserved it 5 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why not just switch seat, or stand up? Can't be that hard if he was so bad.

rbalboa76 5

"Nuttier than Ron Jeremy's nut sack." Best analogy ever!


No offense, but YDI. You could've changed seats, or alerted the bus driver about how he was making you feel. I'm sorry it happened to you, but you could've done something about it.

No one "deserves" to be intimidated by crazy strangers.

that's just what'd the crystal blue will do to ya.

katlin_michelle 9

If you couldn't move because there were no seats I would have said something to him or the driver. Sorry.

you should've farted and then walk away.

muffinkitty 15

God this seriously made my day.

BradTheBrony 19

Or you could, y'know, punch him in the mouth or something.

I'm sorry he was inappropriate, but you don't sound as though you were trapped. You should have moved if you were that bothered.

Tell him to stop, move seats, get off the bus, ask him to stop....I can continue with ways to get around this "problem".........