By danman - 14/04/2013 22:20 - United States

Today, I was taking a walk, when an elderly lady in a motorized wheelchair slammed into me from behind. There was plenty of room to pass by, but noooo, trying to run me down like a dog, then giving me the finger and yelling "Watch where you're walking!" is so damn preferable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 667
You deserved it 4 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, so many evil grandmas popping up lately!

You should know by now the elderly will do as they please, and they've been walking the earth long enough to get away with it.


Some of those in those wheelchairs seem to think they are in the Indy 500, and everyone should move.

What a bitch. Just because you're old doesn't mean you're entitled... Sorry this happened.

It's not just old people that run you over in those ******* motorized chairs. If you are in a supermarket or Department store with them you have to watch out for whoever things they need to be in them because they feel its their right to mow you over since you are more able bodied. They all assume you can hear them coming or are waiting to move out of their way. I have been plowed into while reaching to grab items that I needed in the baking isle and told that I should get them what they needed too since they were in the chair. Like so many have stated before, they feel ENTITLED due to the chair.

Joey_Fingers 4

YDI it for saying "but noooo"

Rob2342 9
kyu_Q 19

Ok that one was decent of a knock knock joke

i would feel very tempted to tip her over