By danman - 14/04/2013 22:20 - United States

Today, I was taking a walk, when an elderly lady in a motorized wheelchair slammed into me from behind. There was plenty of room to pass by, but noooo, trying to run me down like a dog, then giving me the finger and yelling "Watch where you're walking!" is so damn preferable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 667
You deserved it 4 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn, so many evil grandmas popping up lately!

You should know by now the elderly will do as they please, and they've been walking the earth long enough to get away with it.


It's not like those things are fast. She had plenty of time to move in all that open space you mentioned.

captainObviously 15

I woulda tipped that old bitch onto the pavement!!

"Hey! I'm walking here!" Should have gone "Midnight Cowboy" on her ass!

Or Marty Mc Fly from Back to the Future.

Dam. seems like lots of people in motorized wheel chairs and scooters have it out for those of us who can walk fine. There was a girl in my school who would try to run down people she didn't like.

The way this is worded is hilarious.

Don't be afraid of confrontation, just avoid it.

You should do the same to her. Except run her over with a truck, so she can die in peace.

One time an old lady hit me with her can repeatedly. Still don't know what I did to her. I feel for you OP.