By bodhimae - 03/05/2009 07:15 - France

Today, I was taking a nap on the couch when my 2 year old daughter decided that daddy needed an ear cleaning. With all the grace of toddler-hood, she stabbed me in the eardrum with a Q-tip. Now I can't hear her coming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 084
You deserved it 2 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sourcow 0

She's gonna make a great mom :)


HeyThereGorgeous 0

Omggggg! That's fricken hilarious but totally painful. Tell your daughter next time that "daddys ears can be dirty a while"

Luneth101 0

#7, shut up, you're gay and probably retarded. #8, seriously? You always think about sentences that way? OP, that's not how you use proceeded. Sorry about your ear.

shnibz101 0

#10 I don't think any one really cares LOL

akshar 0

Maybe it was payback for any time u stuck a q-tip in her ear.


jzombiemom 0

That is freakin HILARIOUS! She's an hygienically OC ninja! Till you get your hearing back you should make her wear a bell, lol.

haha, are you serious? dude, u should realize that if ur cause is so useless, and no one cares enough that you need to post on fml u should probably just give up