By MC - 15/08/2011 02:51 - Canada

Today, I was so drunk that I gave my mom's number instead of mine to the really cute guy I met at the bar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 516
You deserved it 39 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would you like a side of epic with that fail?


at least one of you will have a happy ending today. assuming your father isnt home.

a_nutritionist 10

meh, i think its stupid, but its not difficult to understand it...

I guess you need to get buisiness cards printed for your personal matters, just don't order them while you are drunk.

Just tell her to say that he called the home phone and that she's your roommate and have her give him your number. Problem. Solved

Xxgreenbug29xX 5
perdix 29

You might get a MILF Hunter as your step-dad. :D

foxmatrix15 8

The cute guy will soon b Ur new father :)

I'd love to hear about the awkward first call.