By embareassed - 20/01/2010 05:27 - United States

Today, I was riding my dorm elevator from the 5th floor to the 1st by myself. Since the elevator is really slow, I pulled my pants and underwear down just for kicks. Just then, the door opened to let a girl on at the 4th floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 692
You deserved it 85 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

startafire 0

Why the hell would you do that? Pervert. Besides, a lot of elevators have cameras too.

Why would you want to pull your pants and underwear down anyway?


I guess some people get their kicks from being naked in public. other they get kicks in that balls/ovaries??

ha my friend just told me about that song lol

Has anyone ever wondered what would happen if the shut really did hit the fan?

guckylynn 19

WTF! Why would you do that?!?!?!

fmlloverrct 0

@ 35: ahahahahahahaha you're hilarious OP: that's a really dumb thing to do

isitofficial_ 0

you do know there are cameras on most elevators right? cause if you dont, you must be a crazy, psycho, stupid, perverted, disgusting, horrible, wierd, f$&@ed up, scary and theguywhopulleddownhispantsinaelevator guy. you deserve it bro. in not suprised if the person who came in the elevator pressed the emergency button.

Newbie21 1

Did the girl go in the elevator anyway?

perdix 29

You didn't look at her and say "Going down?" Oh, no, you ditn't! Oh, hell, no!

Okay, you get in the elevator, and decide to drop trou--walk me through the best case scenario