By embareassed - 20/01/2010 05:27 - United States

Today, I was riding my dorm elevator from the 5th floor to the 1st by myself. Since the elevator is really slow, I pulled my pants and underwear down just for kicks. Just then, the door opened to let a girl on at the 4th floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 692
You deserved it 85 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments

startafire 0

Why the hell would you do that? Pervert. Besides, a lot of elevators have cameras too.

Why would you want to pull your pants and underwear down anyway?


Caught with your pants down, OP? (LOL) YDI.

Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, you look like a fool with your pants on the ground.

When IS having your pants down in an elevator (by yourself too o_0) a good idea? Ah, this will be great *pulls pants down* Oh no! I didn't realize the elevator might open for someone else!

I think this idiot deserves the "Dumbass of the Century" award.

OP wouldn't get the award, they are clearly too qualified for it

Laurenlesley 0

haha I can't imagine her expression!! but this was great. I'm a girl and I wanna do it! lololololol!

Removing you pants in the elevator... YFDI

I hope you got registered on the sex offender registry because of that.