By Anonymous - 10/04/2009 01:15 - United States

Today, I was reminded that I used by dad's camera all summer to take naked pictures for boyfriend when my dad sent me an email saying: "FYI: when you delete pictures directly off the camera they get uploaded as trash files when the camera is connected to the computer." He saw them all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 078
You deserved it 85 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shippicus 0

You're an idiot. Why would you use YOUR DAD's camera to take naked pics? YDI.

Today, I was reminded of a time I borrowed my grandpa's camera and later thought I was clever because I deleted the pics off the camera. Now I know those pics must have showed up later on his computer. FML


Thank you for clearing that up, 19. When you delete pictures from a camera, they are, wait for it... DELETED - plus I don't get what use you would have taking those pictures if you were just going to delete them before uploading them anywhere? Also, people who are calling the dad creepy are ******* morons. If he was a creep he wouldn't have told his daughter he had those pictures.

bella_brasil 0

My camera never did this..but damn FYL .

vee_baby 0

YDI for disrespecting your dad's property.

yeah why would you ever use your dad's camera for that? that's what cell phones are for...

Thanks for clearin' that up, 19. :P I was about to call shenanigans.

#4's was a pretty awesome suggestion really, and anyone getting upset over it probably needs to remove the stick that is no doubt lodged somewhere in their nether regions. The people saying you're trashy for doing this are probably just cut they'll never have a gf who'd do that for them, and certainly not one who looked good enough for them to want to.

Biancaaxxo 0

First of all, why in the world would you use your Dad's camera to do that. That was just a stupid mistake.

lmpzpml 0

Don't you have your own camera?