By JP - 08/03/2009 09:14 - United States

Today, I was reading my girlfriend's girly magazine. There was an article stating that if a girl tells a guy his dick is the perfect size, she really means that it is too small. My girlfriend claims everything in the magazine is right. She told me my dick was the perfect size last weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 753
You deserved it 8 667

jpshotstar tells us more.

jpshotstar 0

Yeah so the part of the story I had to leave out (due to the number of characters allowed) was that when I showed my girlfriend, she swore that she was telling the truth, and got really upset when I didn't believe her. So I told her i believed her. Anyway, FML for a few hours.

Top comments

It's not the size of the boat that counts, it's the motion of the ocean.

Failercoptor 0

there isn't anything men can do about the size of their penis, so women should stop complaining.


#70 that is hilarious! guys think on this too much. if a girl loves you, she wouldn't care.

chuckb 0

wow, 70 i disagree. one dick is good enough for me, and thats my dick. i dont want anyone elses. i like bubs answers. 15yr old overwieght kid lol

don't hate on cosmo! even though it's my favorite magazine and i've been a subscriber for years, i don't treat it like the bible. chances are, your penis IS just a tiny bit smaller than she would have liked.. but it's not an fml at all if you rock her in bed. btw, my boyfriend tells me i have perfect sized boobs, and i have comfortable Bs. when you wanna make your partner happy, average = perfect. it works both ways :)

greatbelow 0

This is such bullshit. A guy knows if he's a huge or not and telling him that it is when it's just normal is insulting. Perfect means perfect. Those magazine's are such crap and maybe the people writing them have a blown out vags. Some girls don't need to lie to their boyfriends all the time and actually tell the truth.

But I tell my boyfriend this, and I definitely mean it.

I'll be honest, I have said this before and meant it. But I've also said this before, and thought it was smaller than I'd like. Size doesn't really matter, but girls have preferences just like the guys have preferences about breast size.

yplasencia21 0

look man she's still with you so size hasn't been your issue so don't stress it. but damm you have a small D***. HAHAHAHA...

marinesgirl9 0

#1, i love it! haha I tell my honey he has a perfect dick all the time, cause he does, and it's not too small. Did you tell her that's what was in it? Had she gotten it before or after she said that to you? She could not even know... OR she could know and she's a bitch?

Sucks but hey, it's worse hearing her telling her friends how small your dick is and you can't do anything about you dick size can you?