By JP - 08/03/2009 09:14 - United States

Today, I was reading my girlfriend's girly magazine. There was an article stating that if a girl tells a guy his dick is the perfect size, she really means that it is too small. My girlfriend claims everything in the magazine is right. She told me my dick was the perfect size last weekend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 753
You deserved it 8 667

jpshotstar tells us more.

jpshotstar 0

Yeah so the part of the story I had to leave out (due to the number of characters allowed) was that when I showed my girlfriend, she swore that she was telling the truth, and got really upset when I didn't believe her. So I told her i believed her. Anyway, FML for a few hours.

Top comments

It's not the size of the boat that counts, it's the motion of the ocean.

Failercoptor 0

there isn't anything men can do about the size of their penis, so women should stop complaining.


ohhhno 0

I wouldn't be too concerned. There is such a thing as being "the perfect size." In fact, there are even guys who are too big.

#39 Thanks. I was trying to make the comparison in your #1 about the heart because as I stated it's different muscle tissue. The poster I was talking to had the idea that since you can make your biceps bigger than you can make your penis bigger. He is under the assumption that muscle = muscle. Whereas I was trying to use the heart as a muscle to basically disprove his theory on penis enlargement. As for your #2. I meant that also. Cardio workouts do not increase your heart size. I was also stating this in regards to working out for your biceps. Since you can do reps for increasing your biceps doesn't mean other muscle tissue responds the same way. My comparison with the heart was to show that... exercising your heart would be increased cardio activity. However your heart doesn't enlarge from this and as you stated it due to hypertrophy or some other medical ailment. I was meaning that since I can increase cardio I wouldn't get similar results than say if I did bench curls to increase my arm size. Also it's usually how effficiently your heart and lungs use the oxygen you are receiving during cardio that is the real benefit. As for your #3. I was referred to that in a previous post (sorry didn't have the name for the muscle). But as you stated its for your erection and keeping it upright. That is the muscle they will cut in surgery to make your penis "longer" however it's not going to add any benefit for an erect penis and will probably cause some drooping since the muscle maintain an erect penis is now cut. Your penis would pretty much stay at a perpendicular angle to your body versus being more vertical. Thanks for the clarification though. Mom and gf are nurses and I've read enough medical books in my short life time to think I have a basic understanding of how things work. As my mom said, I should have become a doctor :)

#1 and anyone who agrees with #1 have small dicks obviously!

Bubs_fml 0

#43: And chances are you are fifteen years old and overweight. Just sayin'.

fb_fml 0

For a guy to be upset about his penis size (and therefore its ability to please their girlfriend/wife) shows that he doesn't know much about how women get "excited"/reach ******. Not a whole lot of women can reach ****** just by vaginal penetration - most require clitoral stimulation too (through oral sex or manual stimulation by themselves/the guy during vaginal intercourse). SEEing a large penis is exciting to a woman, but honestly, there's a certain point where it's too large to feel comfortable for the woman, especially if she normally has trouble lubricating. I think penis size is more like women's breast size - guys like to see large breasts, but ultimately they don't really effect whether or not he orgasms during sex. The solution to being afraid about your penis being to small is (1) realizing that the average penis size is actually 4.5-6" and (2) actually getting some skills at pleasing a woman in ways that *don't* involve penetration.

mariposa93 0

Seriously, seriously, seriously: guys care about the size of their penises way more than girls do. Maybe she hasn't had sex with that many people? When you aren't that experienced, an average-sized penis does look small. You absolutely can increase the size of your penis a variety of ways, but ALL of them are dangerous and pointless if you ask me. I've worked in a **** store, and I've talked to A LOT of women about sex and penis sizes. I'd venture to say 90% would prefer an averaged-size penis. Too big and it is painful. Really painful. I don't want a cervix screw. I'm going to go as far to say that most women who say that your penis is too small are hardly experienced. I doubt they've ever actually been with a large penis. Also mags like Cosmo are ridiculous, and most sane women know that. p.s. If she's satisfied, none of this matters.

fb_fml 0

Yup, Cosmo is for laughs ^^

vt_mruhlin 0

Shit, I wish they'd tell me mine was the "perfect size". I just hear, "no really. It's about average."

DefinatelyABlond 0

Maybe she hasn't read that section yet...anyway I would't really agree with what that magazine says entirely. Sometimes girls actually mean what they say! Magazines over analyze things anyway.

jpshotstar 0

Yeah so the part of the story I had to leave out (due to the number of characters allowed) was that when I showed my girlfriend, she swore that she was telling the truth, and got really upset when I didn't believe her. So I told her i believed her. Anyway, FML for a few hours.