By HairyLeggedItalian - 24/05/2010 05:21 - United States

Today, I was putting a wooden shelf into my new TV stand. Right before I put it in, I rested it on my leg. I then realized that the wood was of poor quality, and it gave me splinters. Now, I can't remove the splinters, because I can't find their exact location under my really hairy legs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 743
You deserved it 9 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

in n out! my wood is of high quality.  


some guys are just hairy. and for those saying he should shave or wax: no. guys aren't supposed to shave or wax their legs.


grobbins09 0

here is a bright idea, shave the general area you are having pain at, then remove the splinter. if you haven't thought of that then your an idiot and deserve it.

And just walk around like an idiot with a partially-shaved leg until it grows back?

likemesodothey 0

The FML CLEARLY states this is a guy. Learn to read.

sk8rchick97 0

when they get infected you'll find them don't worry

here's an idea! follow the pain and u Will find the splinters

You need to get those out before infection sets in

cookie13579 2

If u put crisco on it over night they will slowly come out. I know it sounds gross and weird but it works!