By Anonymous - 24/02/2012 19:18 - United States

Today, I was posing in front of the mirror, when I realized that everyone who looks at me can easily tell which arm I use to masturbate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 740
You deserved it 37 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bnutts 4

Well. Use your other arm, problem solved.

Wow..if you can actually see a difference it's time to get a girlfriend or at least a hobby..


Don't discriminate... In no time you can put ambidextrous on you job applications

this is why I use both arms! even workout xD

geez, f'n switch hands for christ's sake.. *rolls eyes*

You have to realize this, there is no better workout.

bigguy123456 2

That akward moment when you realize you ********** to much.

bizarre_ftw 21

That awkward moment when you realise you ********** too much to know the difference between "too" and "to" or how to spell the action that led to this Or the words aWkward or realiSe

bizarre_ftw 21

*facepalm* I hope this guy was trolling

Realize with an S is how they spell it in English-speaking not-US countries, like apologise and recognise… though it's difficult to use that excuse when he doesn't say where he's from.

That awkward moment when your life is so non-existent that you attempt to correct someones spelling but fail.

screwhim622 0

need a gf? Their supposed to help with that