By Anonymous - 15/12/2013 06:47 - United States - Fresno

Today, I was playing with my dog, when she started sniffing my face. Jokingly, I got up and started to sniff her face back and asked "Yeah, how do you like that?" She replied by biting into my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 362
You deserved it 35 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not a dog expert or anything but I think that means she didn't like it

In the dog's head: "I smell another dog on you. WHO IS SHE?"


popeizzy 9
romeonsingcross 15

Bite her face and see how she likes that.

I don't know why everyone is putting YDI for OP. I have 3 dogs (a pit bull, a pug, and a golden retriever) and I always play with them like that and they never bite, they just get into a lick frenzy and try licking me anywhere they can. It sucks your dog got defensive OP, at least you know not to do that anymore and try teaching your dog not to bite and give him/her lots of treats in the process of training.

Dogs aren't the only ones to do that. My cats attack anything close to them whenever someone makes breathy noises. Guess they think there's another animal panting or sniffing around or something lol

My cats do the same. I'll sniff at them like a dog would and I get a thump on my face (my kitty is so good at not using his claws and not scratching) or a nibble on my cheek or chin.

dogs suck. I'm in the same boat as ya. 9 stitches later I guess she didn't like it.

When Sid was a puppy he would bite at my sister's neck. Nobody else. It was the way she played with him. He saw her more as a playmate then someone higher up in the pack. She had to adjust the way she played with him and we had to train him that it wasn't acceptable. He never bit her hard enough to puncture the skin, but it was still something we weren't going to put up with. It takes practice on our part, but you have to make sure your dog sees you as alpha. Our foster boy who had a biting problem, did it out of fear. If someone reached for his collar without a leash in their hand. We think he was man handled that way. One night he lunged at me because he thought I was going to reach for his collar even though I wasn't. His aggressiveness was beyond my expertise and I can't take chances with my health issues. He is with someone who knows how to deal with those problems, has been adopted by that person and has had no other incidents since being worked with properly. If your dog was being aggressive and not playful, don't be afraid to enlist the help of a trainer. And if he was being playful and you aren't sure what you did wrong, a trainer can help there too.

Sniffing your face is not just fun and games, it's a show of dominance in dog language. Simply put, your dog thinks she is more dominant than you, and therefore in charge. When we first got our husky mix, she exhibited this kind of behavior. If you want to repair the relationship with your dog, then you need to enroll the two of you in an obedience class. Obedience training will help you to learn how to interpret what your dog is trying to communicate, and will help strengthen your bond. You need to reassert your dominance and a trainer can show you how to do this. Good luck.