By Anonymous - 15/12/2013 06:47 - United States - Fresno

Today, I was playing with my dog, when she started sniffing my face. Jokingly, I got up and started to sniff her face back and asked "Yeah, how do you like that?" She replied by biting into my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 362
You deserved it 35 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm not a dog expert or anything but I think that means she didn't like it

In the dog's head: "I smell another dog on you. WHO IS SHE?"


You decided to act within the mental capacity of a dog..YDI.

RenoTheRhino 30

Hey, at least she didn't chase you for three blocks into a gang neighborhood, and then bite your face in some gangster's front yard as everyone laughed.

perdix 29

You may want to pass on the ass-sniffing, too. She might not like that, either.

perdix 29

#33, for female dogs, it's a tautology.

No dog likes someone being in their face like that, but you couldn't have seen that coming. Anyone saying you haven't trained your dog doesn't know your situation. Sorry OP. Lesson learned.

kellyem2 20

For future reference, dogs will often put their faces next to each other, usually sniffing, before they pounce. This is a form of play so your dog was probably not trying to be aggressive or hurtful to you, but you should probably avoid this kind of situation in the future.

i do this sort of thing with my dog but i have been playing with him like this since he was 5wks old and he knows the limits. I completely agree with what you said though, thanks for being helpful.

ugh... I will never get why people raise dogs!

DavidKnows 11

Me neither. WAY too much maintenance. Esp puppies, w all the newspaper house-training, then the walking twice/day, poop pick up, etc. Plop a kitten in the litter box, & rub its paws in the litter for 10 seconds, bingo! Immediately potty-trained.

@39 Because sometimes dogs are just the best companions. They don't nag you about your life or judge you. They are always happy to see you and want to be everywhere you go. They lighten your mood and make you laugh. The best ending to my day is coming home to see my little puppy. :)

Perhaps, a little fluffy dog once licked my toes, I was horrified at first but then thought it was cute. It may be cultural, nobody in my family would have a dog. They are seen as dirty, and harmful.

Some people like to have a pet that loves them in return. I assume youre a cat person, so you dont understand the whole "my pet loves me" deal.

"Doctor! I think I might be a homosexual!" "How can you tell?" RAINBOWWW