By wolfwolfy - 13/03/2010 07:18 - Canada

Today, I was on a first date. When the bill came, he refused to pay for my $6 salad. I had to go ATM-hunting to pay for my $6 salad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 079
You deserved it 13 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never expect anything on a first date.....duh

Why do you expect the guy to pay on the first date? You obviously had no intend of paying, so you left your money home in case he did not pay for you. But boohoo he didn't anyway. Also, you sound like a girl that only orders a salad and then eats half the food of other peoples plates.


That is quite stingy, and whilst it's always a nice gesture for a guy to offer to pay for his date, you shouldn't be so presumptuous as to go out without the money to pay for yourself.

dudeface 1

What is this, the 1950's? You don't carry any cash or plastic on you? Maybe if he promised to pay and then welched on the salad that would be one thing but still not an FML-worthy moment. I mean, you still got both of your legs, right?

YDI for ordering a salad. Your date probably realized what a girl eating a salad on a date means: I'm too prissy and scared of looking like a fatass to eat real food so I'm going to starve myself so he doesn't think I'm gross! I wouldn't have paid for your salad either.

grow up! I don't expect guys to pay for my dinner. yes it was only six dollars and you shouldn't have had to go ATM hunting but don't be so selfish. this is not a fml

redneck_girl728 0

I say FYL for having to go ATM hunting for $6. The man obviously isn't worth shit if he won't pay the little $6 if you didn't have it on you at the time. I'm hoping he didn't get a 2nd date! With that said, I don't expect a guy to pay for me on a first date or even dates after that. I always bring my own money just in case. But I am an old fashioned girl

I don't understand how that is old fashioned.

redneck_girl728 0

Keeps cutting the last part of my comment off so the point isn't getting thru :P

redneck_girl728 0

Cut the last part of my comment off :P Just saying I'm an old fashioned girl though

that is lame. I normally spend 30 to 60 dollars even on first dates. your date was a douche

justanotherbird 19

I would say YDI. Seriously, I will never understand why some girls expect a guy to pay for the first date. I mean, what if it doesn't go well and you never see each other again? Are men just supposed to shell out money again and again on first dates? That just doesn't seem right to me. Whenever I go on a first date, unless the guy truly insists, I always expect to pay my for my own way. If they guy really wants to, that is fine, but I really don't expect it.

that's terrible. I've been on a date like that, yet it really doesn't hurt to bring some cash with you. My date realized he should have paid for our date and apologized. either way. Never expect a good catch and a free meal on a first date.