By moo... - 18/05/2013 02:59

Today, I was on a date with this guy I just met and we went to a fancy restaurant. Halfway through the meal, there was an awkward silence, and he decided to end it by saying "You know, you chew like a cow." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 491
You deserved it 13 203

Same thing different taste

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Wow people in the comments can be such douches. Honestly how is it her fault that he said something impolite. There are better ways to say that, and he should feel bad for his bad phrasing. How do you know he wasn't just talking about the side to side motion a cow makes? Maybe she doesn't chew her food with her mouth open and btw he should have the common courtesy to just live with it through the meal and move on afterwards. A man with no charm will not get the girl.

I feel bad for the OP too. Maybe she didn't realize she chews weirdly, or maybe the guy was just a douche who gets annoyed over insignificant things. My sister always tells me off for "gulping too loudly" when I drink, even though I don't gulp any louder than anybody else. Some people just have weird pet-peeves.

Or over sensitivities. When I have flare ups from my autoimmune illness, I become over sensitive to everything. Clothes feels like its ripping my skin off, scents gag me and little noises make me want to kill everyone. It's not their fault and I know it do I just suck it up. But I know someone else who has the same issue and they go into super bitch mode.

I agree with you. I hate people who comment on the most littlest things and make it seem big. Even if she were chewing with her mouth open, it would've been more mature to ignore it.

perdix 29

#31, et al., the guy actually did the OP a favor. He had the balls to tell her why she grossed him out and why there won't be a second date. At least she knows what she's doing wrong, so she can work on that in the future. I wish all those girls who didn't give me second dates let me know what I did wrong. I could have worked on those issues and become awesomer than I already am ;)

crammer1 6

Oh the tragedy! The humanity! Someone told her she eats disgustingly! How could they!? Oh wait, most likely it's because the way she eats is gross to him.

iAmPaul 49

I'm guessing you didn't go on a second date.

He's a dick for humiliating you. On the plus side, at least you're now aware that you chew with your mouth open and can work on that!

Well, OP, at least he's not a cow-word when it comes to bleating out what he's mooved to think. I'd suggest grazing in other pastures where the grass is greener and the studs are less bull-headed!

2 ways to avoid that: 1. Don't chew like a cow 2. Don't chew like a cow

YDI. Close your mouth when you chew! Have some manners!!

lb0812 18

Well unless you have some sort of disability that prohibits you from chewing with your mouth closed, I think this is more of a YDI. There is a basic element of table etiquette that is expected out of civilized adults, especially at a fancy restaurant. And the lack of table etiquette may have provoked the awkward silence in the first place. Idk. Sorry kiddo. Just something you may need to work on. :)

tenfiftynine 12

If OP was chewing like a cow. Then her mouth would be closed. Cows chew with a side to side motion.

Why buy the cow when you can get milk for free. Well, did he milk you op?