By Jenna - 30/06/2011 00:04 - United States

Today, I was making pudding and accidentally spilt some on the floor. I had no idea until I slipped in it, throwing the bowl of pudding on my head. My mom promised to take me to the hospital as soon as she got a picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 976
You deserved it 5 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iamEricCartmen 0


dbt88 15

I probably would've done the same thing... I mean, almost everybody laughs when someone falls and the pudding makes it even better. I don't consider it bad parenting unless it was an emergency, but seeing as how you only slipped, I am guessing it probably wasn't one.

last time I was covered in pudding I had to go to jail instead of the hospital, ur lucky. what an awkward explanation THAT was!!! seems like the school was pissed!

hey pictures speak a thousand words...I would love to read those words

BrittanyPernell6 0

hey learn to laugh at n with yourself who cares what people think if u can't laugh at yourself everyone else sure as the hell will ao live n let lose eh?:)

xlostwithoutu 0

Learn to spell. And I don't think the point of the FML was that she couldn't laugh at herself but it was because she was in pain. I see your comments everywhere. You're an idiot.

IndiRae 9

I see your comments everywhere too. You're a bitch.

I love this so much because it's seriously something I would do. A couple months ago I accidentally stabbed myself with a small knife while trying to cut up a potato and the first thing I did was take a picture before I went to look for help.

Maybe it was a really heavy glass bowl that hit her head...o_o or when she slipped maybe she hit her head on the counter...or hard floor? Then the bowl came crashing down on top of her head D: cousin slipped once while taking his fork to the sink & when he fell the fork went through his head..almost hit his temple & coulda killed him..

ydnar 5

you must have really whacked yourself with that bowl to require a trip to the hospital. Also, why do peeple git so wurked up abot speling? Calm down!