By Jenna - 30/06/2011 00:04 - United States

Today, I was making pudding and accidentally spilt some on the floor. I had no idea until I slipped in it, throwing the bowl of pudding on my head. My mom promised to take me to the hospital as soon as she got a picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 976
You deserved it 5 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iamEricCartmen 0


Divarhd 2

YDI for not knowing how to spell SPILLED!!!! What are you....5???

You're even more retarded for not knowing 'spilt' is correct. While it is not used anymore in american english (which, let's face it, is just a dialect and not a language in it's own right), it is still used in british and australian english - even though 'spilled' is a more common form. You would do well to remember that there is a world outside the US, and that the english language comes from... you guessed it... England!

lexi365 20

Did you hurt anything besides your dignity?

why would you need to go to the hospital for falling.

BruceIsASoldier 0

haha BLACKMAIL!! mom: honey go do the laundry op: in a minute! mom: yes your right, in a minute your pudding picture will be all over your facebook. thanks for leaving it logged in. love you PARENTAL WIN!

2141_MECH 0

And now that picture in on EPICFAIL.COM