By - 29/07/2010 18:28 - United States

Today, I was looking through my boyfriends phone, when I found a naked picture of myself. Too bad I haven't sent him any. Ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 863
You deserved it 14 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

130: You're a jerk. Women have a right to their own damn bodies. If he's creepily taking pictures when she's asleep or something, that is a crazily ridiculous invasion of her privacy. Don't normalize mistreatment of women. Also: Rot in hell. To the people saying "at least it was of you", I refer you to the idea that women have a right to their bodies. If a **** star or someone wants to be giving out naked pictures, that is her right to do so. If you do NOT give consent, IT IS NOT OKAY. I would rather find **** on my boyfriend's phone than something so creepy and objectifying.


So bloody what? God females are whingers. would you rather find pics of another girl naked? Cos that's where I thought this story was heading. Instead of thinking wow this guys really into me and finds me so sexually attractive he'd like to see it all the time you turn it into a negative you whinging lilttle bitch.

Haha right? I would be flattered if I found that on my husband's mobile device and it was of me. (He doesn't have a cell :/) Though, I'd probably never know, because I don't go through my husband's shit. Why? There's a thing called privacy, and trust, that's a big one, too. Have some respect for others in the future, and I hope you're damn good at hanging onto your cell and diary at all times, since we can all already guess you'd throw a MAJOR bitch fest if someone read those...YDI.

bleigh 0

tip: don't snoop thru ur boyfriends phone! stop being a psycho, and stop bitching. at least it was of YOU

Middrslife 0

Well, you see... Remember that one time... When you were REALLY drunk? Yeah, no more explanation needed... uhaza crzi stlkr bf!!!!!! Translation: You have a crazy stalker boyfriend! I tried the "txt tlk" writing... Nuh-uh not working.

well maybe u shouldn't go through his shit

fylorydi1994 0
fylorydi1994 0