By - 29/07/2010 18:28 - United States

Today, I was looking through my boyfriends phone, when I found a naked picture of myself. Too bad I haven't sent him any. Ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 863
You deserved it 14 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

130: You're a jerk. Women have a right to their own damn bodies. If he's creepily taking pictures when she's asleep or something, that is a crazily ridiculous invasion of her privacy. Don't normalize mistreatment of women. Also: Rot in hell. To the people saying "at least it was of you", I refer you to the idea that women have a right to their bodies. If a **** star or someone wants to be giving out naked pictures, that is her right to do so. If you do NOT give consent, IT IS NOT OKAY. I would rather find **** on my boyfriend's phone than something so creepy and objectifying.


MAV223 0

The only way i can see that being an fml is if the picture wasnt really u... was it? Other wise, who cares as long as he doesnt send it to anyone.. he may get lonely if ur not there.. thats a good thing!

102: Naked pics are a gift, not a right. I'd go apeshit if my HUSBAND sneaked naked pics of me. Those things have to be consensual.

mikeike518 0

Lololol. Hidden Pic FTW!!!

IcEtEArox 0

that's a GOOD thing! ... kinda

atadokayisacutie 0

well at least they're of u and not some other person

Maybe it's a high tech phone that could pu your clothes off automatically. What a wonderful world. 

muffinkitty 15

:0 time to find a new bf. unless your into the kinky stalker thing?