By sierraisfucked - 02/06/2009 07:55 - United States

Today, I was in Walmart with my mom. I was looking for some CDs I wanted and saw a cute guy. Then he nodded at me and as he started to walk towards me, I hear my name being called over the intercom. Apparently, according to my mom, it was time to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 486
You deserved it 4 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aaaand you didn't think to pretend it wasn't you? Give him a shortened version of your name or something, then get his number and exit (casually) stage left. Too easy.

wow MOMS you must stop with the embaressment.. but then again, if it weren't for them, we wouldn't have half of the great fml's on here!


wow, thats so embarrassing... but hey, at least she cares

Act like that wasn't your name....and keep talking to him

Cdldriver 0

How old are you? Maybe she wanted to give you your picifier. Lol

lol your mom thought you were lost in the store! lol. but that's funny because when i was little i had them page my Mom. I love it.

FMLwrestler 0

Dude **** you #7, my moms like this too. I'm not some nerd or loser, I mean it stopped around middle school but she used to do it alot. it's not like you can control her doing that, really... even when i'd tell my mom never to do it eventually she would do it sometimes still. oh, and #8's right, limewire is where it's at. what century are you in? PS the only problem here is that you went to the store with your parents in the first place. at least its A YDI if you're in high school. i stopped going with them hardly ever in high school

mehwhateverr 0

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. If I were you, I'd have shrugged it off and had a conversation long enough to get his number. :]

hoeskie69 0

LMFAO! That is fucken hilarious. Im mean sure, that sucks. But god, made me laugh:]

LMFAO, sounds like something my mom would do, theyre all the same... xD

ninjasxinmypants 0

YDI for still using CDs YDI for supporting walmart YDI for not acknowledging how cool your mom is

YDI for going to the mall with your mom...