By JuniorDetective - 07/05/2009 16:52 - United States

Today, I was in the middle of walking home when I saw an old woman trying to get away from what looked like a mugger. I go over and try to help her out and get the man off of her, which was successful. Turns out she was having a heart attack and the man was a doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 418
You deserved it 17 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you nearly killed a woman trying to save her? ...Good job.

Kalofinator 0

Damn, that sucks. That's what you get for trying to be helpful.


wowfmlife 0

WTF?? There's a difference between stealing a purse, maybe hitting/punching and trying to save someone's life... either this isn't true or you're a total idiot. Either way FYL for just being you

Well wouldn't you have felt more terrible if she actually was being mugged and you did nothing? As im sure happends a lot. Cheers.

**** your life is right.. but hey.. that old womens life is ****** for real.

"Today I crept up on this old woman with my scythe in hand and my black robe flowing ominously behind me. I was so close to finally ending her life when this doctor came along to thwart my plans. My hopes did arise there for a moment when this would be hero intervened but alas, the fog cleared from his eyes and he recognized the doctor for what he was. Oh well, I'll get her eventually. F Everyone's L eventually."

@25, doctors don't wear those white coats 24/7, and a lot of guys look pretty sketchy if they're low on sleep and haven't shaved.

Stop blamming him he just tried to help an old lady you guys f***ing suck

RedJester23 6

u guys are retarded would you "mind your own business" when somebody is getting mugged? good job for helping her out OP I would do the same not just keep walking. How do these "mind your own business" people sleep at night?

this is totally fake... a doctor would never run away from someone with a heart attack.

haha... really.... you attacked a doctor... HA! I laugh. It's wonderful that you thougt to help her, but the irony of that situation..... is killing me.... and that old lady...... JK. You should be proud of your good intentions! *_*