By caroline - 06/02/2009 15:29 - United States

Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. When he was about to orgasm, he screamed "Yes Brittany!" at the top of his lungs. My name's not Brittany. That's his sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 784
You deserved it 53


My jaw just dropped... WHAT A TURN OF EVENTS... continue please haha

ajturner1234 0

Sounds hot. You should dress up in a sexy outfit and pretend to be his sister. I bet he'll like it....

XxMoonShadowxX 0

lol lets just raid her wardrobe shall we??? Jokes.

That's gross. Let's hope it was an ex...even then, you should have kicked his butt out of your bed. #82...I don't even know what to say to you.

linzey 0

i think it was a different brittany if not and he is doing his sister...thats just sick and wrong on sooo many levels

blackfiredudette 0

Is he from West Virginia, by any chance? ...JK, but I'd hope it was some other Brittany. Sucks for you, sista.

Wow, do you he wraps it up w/ Brittany? In one sense I could see why they wouldn't, but then again the last thing you want to do is knock your sister up. At any rate I'd tell their parents for kicks.

allayyyyyle 0