By BadBreath - 09/04/2009 03:43 - United States

Today, I was having a horrible day. I was laying on the couch, crying, when my dog came up on the couch to console me. I was thinking about how great it was to have a dog, because they're there for you when no one else is. As I was sobbing, I heard something. My dog farted into my mouth. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 670
You deserved it 9 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And why was your dog's ass in your face? You would think it would be facing you, maybe licking your face.

Kimienxtc 0


why the **** was your dogs ass near your mouth when he was 'consoling' you? I wouldn't feel too much better if I was crying and my dog put her ass in my face

wow half the ******* FMLs on this site end with "Twice." I know most of these are fake but come on, get some new material

jdkfgkjdfb 0

Why was his/her butt facing towards your mouth in the first place? #1: Yes! Haha That is one of my new favorite FMLs.

That`s what you get for crying. HTFU and do something about it.

ASatanistHobo 0

totally deserved, you should have at least closed your mouth the first time

cm27_fml 1

i found this sunn cause right as i read this my dog jumped on my bed with me, but his butt didn't go anywhere near my face

cm27_fml 1

sorry *i found this funny cause right as i read this my dog jumped on my bed with me, but his butt didn't go anywhere near my face