By BadBreath - 09/04/2009 03:43 - United States

Today, I was having a horrible day. I was laying on the couch, crying, when my dog came up on the couch to console me. I was thinking about how great it was to have a dog, because they're there for you when no one else is. As I was sobbing, I heard something. My dog farted into my mouth. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 670
You deserved it 9 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And why was your dog's ass in your face? You would think it would be facing you, maybe licking your face.

Kimienxtc 0


missbrittanybree 0

remind me again why your face was in your dogs butt...

THOMASisMYname 8

um why was the dogs ass aiming at your mouth? I'm sorry but thats just nasty and i'm clicking the 'you deserved it' button for sure :S

Why in the world was your dogs butt in your face? That's beyond disgusting. You need help.

StromyG2 10

ok so... how did it happen twice?

eww why was ur but near ur dogs face? maybe u should be more wary of his back end next time

Why was your mouth openly facing his anus?

WinterBlue42 22

Every comment is asking this, but I doubt in all actuality any of us really want to know. .

Wait. The only way that could happen was if your mouth was on his asshole. ydi