By fired - 04/11/2011 04:04 - Australia

Today, I was fired for the second time in as many days. I received a letter notifying me that I would no longer be working for the company, effective immediately. When I did not attend work the next day, I received a phone call firing me for not turning up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 904
You deserved it 2 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have told them how unprofessional they are for not knowing that I had been fired already

Why is anyone saying "sue"? She was sacked and some moron of a manager failed to realise they sent a letter. Sue for what? being sacked twice? Is that a legal issue in your universe? A definite FML moment but not a lawsuit pending you ******* morons.


stephanieeDawnx 0

I spell the way I want to don't like it get over it.

If there that unforgetful just keep going to work

zfchatroulette 24

*If they're that forgetful, just keep going to work. Also, if they got fired they will not receive a paycheck, so what's the point?

PinkFun1969 9

Those corp bastards can never make up there mind. And most of the times they have some asshole in charge of Everyone.

I don't know which country you guys live in, but all over Europe where we have laws that's illegal...

Sillydeadperson 17

New South Wales, Australia. It says in the bottom right corner of the FML.

cunningchick 1

Same happened to my dont it?