By brownieswillneverbethesame - 04/09/2011 06:18 - United States

Today, I was eating a brownie my grandmother had made, only to discover an inch long piece of what resembled dead skin in the middle of it. This discovery was only made after taking a bite and wondering why the consistency was wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 146
You deserved it 2 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lendalynn 5
perdix 29

. . . and Grandpa's missing, and Grandma seems uncharacteristically cheery.


daydreamer244 13

it was just a flavor patch! duhh.

Boomerang121 1

Your grandma'd probably notice if an inch-long piece of skin peeled off of her somewhere...I doubt it was dead skin. Sometimes when you don't stir the brownie mix well enough, bits of egg can cook in clumps. You probably just got a piece of unstirred eggwhite.

fogrunner 13

In that case, we still need to consider that eggs are chicken periods.

gertym 0

This is why I don't eat other people's baked goods...

She is definitely too saggy, therefore she deserves to be in an old person home. :)

Kids, this is why you never sneak into an old persons house. They will put you in a cage, and when they believe you're ripe, they'll cook you into their brownies and cakes.

so instead of weed they put dead skin in brownies as a new high? lhh

Dw it's probably just wrapping off something

Biting into food to find something that's not food is the WORST THING EVER!