By brownieswillneverbethesame - 04/09/2011 06:18 - United States

Today, I was eating a brownie my grandmother had made, only to discover an inch long piece of what resembled dead skin in the middle of it. This discovery was only made after taking a bite and wondering why the consistency was wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 146
You deserved it 2 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lendalynn 5
perdix 29

. . . and Grandpa's missing, and Grandma seems uncharacteristically cheery.


Was your grannie peeling her skin to find her inner beauty?

sweetheartxoxo88 7

This makes me really thankful that my grandma's a good cook.

Hisfav1 6

Wow I seriously almost threw up...

in case you guys didn't notice OP said "resembled dead skin" not" was dead skin".. just sayin

I don't think this is what they mean by "special" brownies. Anyway, FYL.

someoneO_O 4

Dr. Evil: your not gonna eat that are you? oh you did ....

meh_meh_meh 2

Protip: If you melt the butter by heat and add the eggs cold to it, the warm butter will cook the eggs partially and you'll get bits of cooked egg in your brownie which could resemble "a long piece of dead skin" if not mixed properly before baking.