By warningxxLidell - 09/01/2010 06:45 - United States

Today, I was driving on roads that were bad from two days of snow. I spun my car out, and ended up half-way in a ditch. Thinking that I could push my car out of the snow, I got out of my car, landing in waist deep snow. When trying to get back in, I fell neck deep into snow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 676
You deserved it 6 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

epoh_fml 0

If you don't live where it snows, roads being bad after two days of bad weather will make no sense to you. Snow plows can only do so much. The roads are still left with a bit of ice and snow on them and it doesn't melt until it stops snowing and the sun comes out. Even with salt and sand down, roads can be trecherous. I live in CT where we have efficient plow crews, and I am still very cautious when driving for a few days after a blizzard. FYL OP. But the mental image is kind of funny :-)


It doesn't make sense at all. How the hell are you driving on snow that's neck deep? Do you drive a monster truck?

I think that they stretched that one a lot too. Unless they left out the part where they slipped, fell over, and they were neck deep because they were laid out flat on their back.

Wow read it again the ditch was that full of snow not the road and we have had enough snow lately it's well over 6 feet drifts and piles in some places

@ 76 Those must be some deep-ass ditches to fall into 6 feet of snow. That or they basically walked into a wall of 4 feet of snow and fell 2 feet.

There can be a lot of snow after two days of snowing, if the snowing was continuous and quite heavy then yes it is possible.

LikeOMGWDworld 0

Wow so many of you posting are just complete Idiots not to mention sexist pigs.

So was it the powdery snow, or the near-ice stuff? Either way, sorry for your luck.

I call bull on this FML. I live in North Dakota and the snow here isn't even that deep and there was two freaking storms. :l

Trooth 13

yeahhhh I really bet you were in snow NECK deep......

you were probably driving to fast, thats how people usually end up in the ditch after bad weather...slow down.

Life_Just_Suxx 0

I'm Iowan I can agree for neck deep snow(well like 4 feet deep), my neighbor had a snow drift nearly toughing his roof. Granted the snow isn't deep everywhere but areas were it can get caught(like a ditch) it will build up last time I was there I was walking in waist high snow and I'm 6 feet tall. But YDI for not driving safely in the back roads, you should know they're always the worse.

You must have been chilly! At least you're still alive. :)

youthink_fml 0

YDI for being one of the idiots on the road that can't drive. If the roads are that bad, you shouldn't have been going that fast.