By Anonymous - 16/04/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I was dressing in my apartment when I noticed I left the blinds open. Outside, a maintenance man was mowing the grass within eyeshot. I figured I'd leave the blinds open and give him a little peek of the goods. Later I found a note on my window saying, 'Next time, close the blinds'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 364
You deserved it 120 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EWWW!! Why would you do that? That's just gross..


CumulusClaudia 0
Monty_Python 0

FYL because you got told you were ugly by a maintenance man. YDI for thinking that you will be attractive to anyone.

Just because they're doing maintenance work does NOT mean they're peeping toms or want "freebies" like that. Not every man wants to see you naked Nor should they be forced to, just because they have to do work outside of your window. I feel bad for him actually... Guy's just trying to do his job and some girl thinks "O he wants to see me naked!" and forces it on him. That's NOT sexy.

He was probably just trying to be polite and thought you didn't realize you left the curtain open.

This is fake. Who would write a note like this (whether or not he was attracted to her)? He could very easily be fired for sexual harassment for oogling tenants, so there's no way he would write a note (PROOF that he was looking inappropriately), no matter how gross she may have been to him.

so not only are you a *****... but your an attention ***** too? classy.

ffpoisongirl 0

I guess it didn't occur to you that he's gay or in a happy relationship? I don't care how attractive you are, not everybody wants to ogle you.

gleidu77 0

he may not have been trying to insult you. the note reads rudely, but he may have intended for it to be polite. maybe he's just a nice, not-disgusting man who feels bad because he thinks you forgot to close your blinds and the entire world can watch you change without you realizing it. quit being a *****.