By oldskoolgrl - 29/03/2009 04:37 - United States

Today, I was denied acceptance to The University of Georgia. I was down all day so I decided to go to a party my friend was throwing. Thinking it would cheer me up, as soon as I arrive all I see is colleges on shirts, hats, and sweatshirts, most being UGA. It was a college acceptance party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 063
You deserved it 7 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are other colleges and chances. Did you at least get to enjoy the party anyway? In your situation, I'd make the best of it.

put_it_out_there 0

It's alright, you'll get in somewhere! I'm at my fall-back school and I'm loving every minute of it! So hang in there..


vversaci 0

I live in Georgia and my best friend just got rejected from UGA as well, with a 3.9 and great SAT scores. UGA is not easy to get into. And telling this person that she is stupid for not getting into this school is so mean. Honestly, what good does it do you if you try to make someone feel bad? It is extremely upsetting when people say such things.

UGA is not the end-all of schools. It's overrated, elitist, and disgusting. Georgia's got so many better schools to go to. Like #34 said, give GCSU a try. It's pretty awesome.

#38 - I'm only telling what happened to some of my really close friends with the criteria I stated above. If you don't know me, how could I be making "shit" up? I live in Georgia and I got into UGA. Clearly I don't have to do ANY research. Think before you speak.

geesquared 0

I suggest GSU, because my family's friends are professors there, and they're smart as hell. Plus, it's in Atlanta, the best city in the Southeast, period. Personally, UGA would be my last choice (location is SHIT), I'd rather go to Emory, but whatever.

I live in Georgia and with the HOPE scholarship all Georgia public schools have gotten harder to get into. None of my friends with less than a 3.8 and a 1200 SAT score got in to UGA. I have 4.0, 5 AP classes, and a 1390 and i was legitimately concerned about being wait listed. UGA is difficult to get into and was rated by as one of the South's three Public Ivies along with UT Austin and UF. Other schools rated as Public Ivies include UNC, UC Berkley, and UVA. Georgia is not the same school it was in the 1970's. It has been rated as one of the nation's 361 best colleges by the Princeton Review. It's journalism school gives out the Peabody award, one of the most prestigious journalism awards given for reporting. I could not get into the Honors Program even with my grades. Anyone who believes UGA is an easy school to get into is ignorant

UGA has had 21 Rhodes Scholars, including 2 last year. Only six schools have ever sent multiple Rhodes Scholars.

Hannah_911 0

lmao. "rated as one of the nation's 361 best colleges" You're really reaching there, aren't you? How bet them dawgs? PISS ON EM!

49-10. Go Gators, to hell with Georgia.

There are over 4000 colleges in the United States. I think being in the top 1% is pretty good. But maybe that's just me.

and I'm sorry you didn't get in. Try Georgia State, that was my second choice.