By oldskoolgrl - 29/03/2009 04:37 - United States

Today, I was denied acceptance to The University of Georgia. I was down all day so I decided to go to a party my friend was throwing. Thinking it would cheer me up, as soon as I arrive all I see is colleges on shirts, hats, and sweatshirts, most being UGA. It was a college acceptance party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 063
You deserved it 7 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There are other colleges and chances. Did you at least get to enjoy the party anyway? In your situation, I'd make the best of it.

put_it_out_there 0

It's alright, you'll get in somewhere! I'm at my fall-back school and I'm loving every minute of it! So hang in there..


georgiaperson 0

I'm very sorry to hear that. As previous posters have stated, you can try initially applying to another school and then transfer to UGA once you're a junior (of course, provided you still want to attend). That's exactly what I plan to do. On the bright side, you'll likely save a ton of money by going to a smaller college the first two years. I wish you the best of luck in finding the right college! :)

its okay, i was denied too and i go to a college prep school.

actually uga is like impossible to get into. i know a person who is in full ib and got denied. so yes. it is hard.

dallas363 0

I went to UGA for a year and a half before transferring. It's a great school, but I guarantee you will be happier elsewhere as well (I am, I transferred out). I'm not sure where you're from, but if you applied to any big state school and that's what you're looking for, you'll love it no matter what. And if you have any doubt that a big school is not for you, then UGA was the wrong school anyway.

As a UGA graduate, I had a larf. I applied late and still managed to get in (I guess it wasn't too difficult when I matriculated). Double-majored, partied a whole lot, graduated, and now serving in the U.S. Navy. Good luck finding a school. I had a lot of fun at UGA: skateboarding, going to see all the good bands perform at the 40 watt for cheaper than when they play in Atlanta (The White Stripes for $10!), and hanging out with with the artsy folk/townies. You're missing out, but you can always try to transfer into UGA later in your college career.

UGA is this hard to get into: I used my worst SAT scores and half my resume. I got in easily. No wait list. This was 2 years ago, back when people started using the excuse "it's been getting harder to get in...". I decided to screw UGA and go to Tech, because that's where the actual smart, artsy, innovative people are. You get money for going there, and there's not 7429 or so people with the exact same degree. In terms of prestige, it's all Tech. Sure, Georgia's been around longer, but the average salaries don't lie. Tech grads are more in demand. As for the music scene, I'm a known DJ with my own radio show. All the record labels are here, and let's face it, no one's gonna drive all the way out to Athens for a show. A central location of Atlanta is a lot better. I never knew what was so good about that "U"GA place anyways...

Just because application rates to UGA have gone up doesn't make it any better of a school. Whoever made a point about the economy is right - people want to stay in state and use HOPE. That said, a lot of people probably apply to UGA because Tech doesn't offer pansy majors, like English. And the most accurate judge of a good school is graduate salaries - am I right? Tech grads still make more than UGA grads. If nothing else, I stand by the fact that, before coming down to Georgia, I had heard of Tech, but had never heard a word about UGA.

wareagle2011 0

LOL UGA. Fail. In Georgia, Tech is where it's at. Oh and War Eagle