By Rebecca - 13/06/2012 23:50 - Australia - Dural

Today, I was chatting to a co-worker, upon whom I have a serious crush. It was going really well, until he said "irregardless", as if it's actually a proper word. This grammatical abomination really ticks me off, and I actually had to fight back the urge to beat some damn sense into him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 303
You deserved it 34 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think we have a real life grammar nazi on our hands.

F his life for having such a bitch of a co worker


You fucktards who keep saying "its in the dictionary"...its in there because all you dumb ***** keep using it. Thats how new words get put in the dictionary. Do you think someone just decides to invent a new word and put it in there and wait for people to start using it?

irregardless ADJECTIVE & ADVERB informal Regardless: ‘the photographer always says, irregardless of how his subjects are feeling, ‘Smile!’’ Oxford dictionnary definition

Well, aren't you just a petty little twit? It's not like he was engaging in appropriate or reckless behavior, he just used bad grammar.

That actually is a word... looks like you’re the idiot.