By Pandamomma - 21/07/2014 12:58 - United States - Dunn

Today, I was carrying my four-month-old son in a checkout line. An older couple behind us remarked that I would spoil my son if I carried him everywhere. My son responded by projectile vomiting all over the wife, then looked at me and giggled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 104
You deserved it 7 250

Pandamomma tells us more.

hi. OP here. I said FML because I ended up having to apologize and act as if I was sincere. I failed miserably and ended up laughing hysterically. I did feel a little bad.

Top comments


You're never too young to tell people to go F#ck themselves

They do realize that most 4 month olds can barely walk in the first place right?

Yeah, four month old babies can't walk at all.

rocker_chick23 27

#90: No four month old baby can walk.

The amount of stupidity in this comment is alarming.

You would be surprised how early some babies can do stuff... i was flat out running by 6 months.

Each child develops differently, some children will be standing and starting to walk at 4 months while others won't be walking until 14 months

In guessing she meant the baby should be in a pram or car seat, but that's not always convenient, that woman so deserved it :')

For this occasion, we need a "they deserved it" button.

50 points to 4 month old baby - 0 points to judgy old couple.. 4 month old wins by using projectile vomit attack. Op your baby rocks

KatsFaerie 7

He deserves a kiss for that :)

jaredofmo 22

Your baby is going to be awesome.