By Pandamomma - 21/07/2014 12:58 - United States - Dunn

Today, I was carrying my four-month-old son in a checkout line. An older couple behind us remarked that I would spoil my son if I carried him everywhere. My son responded by projectile vomiting all over the wife, then looked at me and giggled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 104
You deserved it 7 250

Pandamomma tells us more.

hi. OP here. I said FML because I ended up having to apologize and act as if I was sincere. I failed miserably and ended up laughing hysterically. I did feel a little bad.

Top comments


How is this an fml. Thats funny as hell!!

Kudos to your son. At this rate he'll be fist fighting at age 4

People need to mind their own business

night_saint 5

congratulations your son is a badass!

I think that's actually extremely adorable!

hi. OP here. I said FML because I ended up having to apologize and act as if I was sincere. I failed miserably and ended up laughing hysterically. I did feel a little bad.

Why do strangers like giving parenting advice?

ArashiGirl 13

Don't feel bad. XD My mom didn't apologize to jerks and neither should you. It's a mom eat jerks who pick on helpless babies world.

My first instinct would be that she was joking, because what the hell else your son meant to do at that age? Not to mention the role physical contact plays in how he bonds with you. But if she was serious, then yeah.. she deserved it.

Don't feel bad, they deserved it. That's what they get for going around judging people, especially a four month-old, who probably can barely crawl yet, let alone walk.

dryersheet 11

An old lady told me to shut my kid the **** up. I WISH he had barfed on her.

I would have made some comment about him feeling sick and how she deserved it. I hope your son is feeling better and that she got to spend the rest of her day in vomit-covered clothing.

randomvisitor 6

Give that kid a treat and enjoy the moment OP!

atiggerx33 6

your kid is awesome, you shouldn't have even apologized, I would have just said "you wanna talk like your his mother, then you can get puked on too". Even if holding a baby, that can't crawl or walk, and doing the right thing by not exposing him to the awful germs in a shopping cart (people cough into their hands and then grab the carts, other kids touch them get their snot and drool all over their hands and then on the cart, just a disease nest) would spoil him, it is none of their damn business.

Can't even walk and already defending Mommies honor

Oh those details make it better and makes more sense. cause as it was posted, i think things couldnt have gone better.

Don't feel bad. You kid has the makings of an awesome person already!

furubafan74 18