By Anonymous - 23/12/2015 09:06 - United States - Pomona

Today, I was bitched out by my shrew of a mother for getting engaged, to a man. She's not homophobic, but rather pissed off because gay marriage is "trendy" and she wants me to be "above that nonsense". Hurray for love. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 940
You deserved it 3 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her she should celebrate Easter now rather than Xmas because that's to trendy

Well, informing her that she's actually homophobic will certainly ruffle her feathers.


She Just doesn't like gays cause they can piss people off (no offense to gays)

shortcake18 15

Sorry about your mom op but congratulations on your engagement :)

Congratulations :) I hope you have a Long and happy marriage

VoodooPriestess 16

If everyone decided to jump off a bridge, would you? XD That's just a funny mindset to have about marriage. Why stop there though? Breathing is pretty trendy. So is driving. Just make sure not to get a pet. Then you're just being a copycat. (Puns may be lame, but that's the appeal)

If it's real love, does it matter what your mother says?

Wow... that sucks. But congrats on the engagement, OP! I wish you many happy years together xoxo