By chuchie - 12/06/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, I was babysitting my 5 month old nephew who hasn't pooped in 2 days according to his mom. Well, he pooped. I accidentally stuck my finger in it. While I was wiping my finger off, he rolls over and pees on my new carpet. I roll him over to clean the pee and he opened fire and pooped again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 539
You deserved it 6 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol, "opened fire". For some reason I find this fml more cute then FMLish.

how do you ''accidentally stuck my finger in it.'' ? poor kid must be going FML!!


teenager34 0

"opened fire" , lol I like it. FYL.

MusicXisXii 0

Number One: i read the part "I accidentally stuck my finger in it" COMPLETELY wrong. lol I had to read it again. Number Two: It's a baby, not an army. "opened fire" LOL

why would you tell people this eeeewwww

Girlhomie1o1 16
nonamericandolla 6

How do you "accidentally" stick your finger in poop?

jaedncooper 4