By Anonymous - 12/06/2009 06:39 - Canada

Today, I was at the cafeteria of my school with my boyfriend and he dumped me. I was kinda expecting it. What I wasn't expecting was that he'd start running in front of everyone, screaming "FREEEEEEEEEDOM!" at the top of his lungs and that he'd kiss the first girl he saw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 96 779
You deserved it 11 182

Same thing different taste


Jarlais 0

Wow, what a ****. If it was that bad, why wasn't the relationship ended earlier than it was?

What is he? Ten? That's ridiculous. Good luck finding a real man next time.

Idiot, he just basically showed everyone in the cafeteria how undateable he was

That's so mean. But I don't know whether YLIF or YDI, because something obviously made him act that way (either you were a sucky girlfriend or he's just an ass.) Sorry :(

whatta douche. but.. that's hilarious :)

LOL your boyfriends seems like the coolest asshole ever. I would die of laughing if I saw that in real life, oh hahaha. YDI and FYL

dg72592_fml 0

oh is this from the French FML? in that case... ton petit-ami est tres bizarre, ce n'est pas un grand perte

Aww, he's immature and cruel. Pick more carefully next time. You're worth better.

SeeAlsoJaime 0

Aha. He sounds ******* funny. Your loss.