By nudesurprise - 16/04/2009 14:49 - United States

Today, I was at my new apartment. My fiancé was coming home so I filled the apartment with candles and put on some sexy music. When he came up to my door, I answered the door, naked. What I didn't know was that he was bringing his dad to see the new apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 917
You deserved it 35 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unibrowicorn 0

I saw one similar to this not long ago. :/ And what do we learn from all of this? Always look before you answer the door I learned that in like,kindergarten.

can you say PEEP HOLE...itll keep his dad from peepin your hole =x


nicholai125 0

umm...peep-hole? or, if all else fails wear a robe (wear clothes?! GASP!) to answer the door. You ever notice how 80% of the dumb-asses on this site are caught naked in really stupid situations. You'd think you'd learn.....

0 3

F your life, who brings their dad to their girl's house? Props for trying to do him a favor You should wear something to open the door though, you couldn't have known it would be his father but it could have been anyone at all.

upsidedown03 0

ooh bad luck lol well one good thing came out of this, at least you'll always look and wear clothes before you answer the door in future :L

Jeez, don't you people ever look through the peep holes!?

Might want to check who's outside next time. I have heard rumors of things like "windows" or "peep holes" that help with this.

Hey babe, ever consider dropping the zero, and getting with the hero..... Look, im in the NFL, Im a millionare. comment back if youre interested.

omg, i can imagine dat convo....i bet his dad isnt very fond of u anymor

smbxsway 0

Always look through the peep hole!