By nudesurprise - 16/04/2009 14:49 - United States

Today, I was at my new apartment. My fiancé was coming home so I filled the apartment with candles and put on some sexy music. When he came up to my door, I answered the door, naked. What I didn't know was that he was bringing his dad to see the new apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 917
You deserved it 35 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unibrowicorn 0

I saw one similar to this not long ago. :/ And what do we learn from all of this? Always look before you answer the door I learned that in like,kindergarten.

can you say PEEP HOLE...itll keep his dad from peepin your hole =x


ditch that ****** if he's going to pull that daddy by my side bullshit

Always look through the peep hole. XD Or ask who it is.

That really sucks. Lol. You would think that he would've called and told you. Great way to spoil the mood fiance.

Why didn't he tell you? That whole set up is a waste now :P

Geeky_Warrior 0

Guys, obviously she was expecting her fiance home, so it makes sense she didn't look first. Also I knock to get into my house even though I have my keys on me usually. Also it says new apartment, so it makes sense that maybe he didn't have a key yet. :P

turtlellama 0

LMFAO, there were 69 comments on this when I saw this...

WiLMoN3y 0

LMAO, wow his dad probably was like DAYUM, high five son! haha

LOL peep hole? #68 shut the F*ck up okay.