By vlcardenx3 - 12/03/2011 21:11 - United States

Today, I was at Aéropostale with some friends when I noticed a woman glaring at me. When we got to the checkout, the woman still had her eyes on me, so I asked why she was staring. She snapped, "If you had kept your legs closed, you wouldn't be pregnant." I'm not pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 579
You deserved it 6 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And if she kept her mouth shut she wouldn't look like an asshole and a moron.

You could've replied with, "And if your mother kept her legs closed, you wouldn't be such a ****." Also, someone who's fat looks very different from someone who's pregnant. Not only is she a bitch, she's a stupid bitch. She needs to look at her life, and look at her choices.



O: That woman is so mean! She should just mind HER own buisness! One time, my parents walked into Yankee Candle together while my sister and I had to keep watch over their baby. A woman walked by, gave us a glare, and said, "You're what, thirteen? And you already have a child? That's sick." We explained to her that she should just mind her own buisness, and how we were brother and sister waiting for our mother to come out of baby candle while we held our SISTER. She walked away with a blush on her face. I laughed. xD

auto_da_fe 2

That's perfect xD Assume makes and ass out of you, ha

I had the same thing happen to me at a shoe store... I was 14 when my littlest bro was born, and my mom was taking my other brother to try on some shoes. I was 15, and some lady just glared at the the whole time she was walking around the store. I thought about saying to same thing. XD

Picking_Kuppies 0

How is it her fault if she's pregnant, anyway? Last time I checked, it took both a male and female to make a child.

hcovballer247 0

fyl... you shop at aèropostale

SabrinaAngelique 0

Hahahah wow I actually laughed at this. =) Sucks for yoou

jamsmem 0

Wow what a Bitch! I hate ***** like that. Pregnancy Bellies look so much more different than Fat Bellies anyways! Also WTF even if you were pregnant whats wrong with that? Maybe you wanted a kid and had a great guy and wanted to have a family stupid bitch!

OP is not necessarily even overweight...she could have just been wearing a babydoll shirt.

It's people like her that make me lose faith in the entire human race. Seriously. Don't worry, OP, there is a VIP spot in Hell with her name on it.

orgasm_blush 4

Whoa. She is really rude! I hope you cursed her out, since she was rude and felt she could say anything she pleased, you should have said exactly how you felt.

CommenterX 2

Should have said, "Well, you can open YOUR legs and shove it, bitch." Seriously. I facepalmed hard at this FML. Why are people so.. That? Sorry, OP.