By look before you speak - 09/02/2014 07:12 - United States

Today, I was at a swim meet. I asked my friend if he could be my wingman and help me get a date with a girl I really liked. I told him my plan, and as I finished and turned to go to her, I noticed her standing right there, listening in on the whole conversation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 618
You deserved it 13 818

Same thing different taste


at least she knew that you liked her. good luck.

Man wingman fail. As wingman he should have been on look out. I hope it went well for ya tho

I was thinking the same thing #31. Worst wingman ever!

dakid87 10

Is this a suspense? I'm curious to know What happened after lol

thissexyguy96 11

So the question is are you going to go on date with her or not

I love breastfeeding my son. He stares at my face and occasionally smiles at me during it's so sweet.

I think you commented on the wrong FML!!! ^

thats actually a good way to win a date lol

your wing man must have seen her stood there, hope you got the date after all that effort