By Idiots - 05/09/2009 20:54 - Canada

Today, I was at a party when I got covered in the liquid from a glow stick. Thinking it wasn't a big deal I went to rub it off, but it stuck to my clothes. The cops came so everyone ran and hid in the bushes because we were all drunk. The cops arrested fifteen people because I glowed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 542
You deserved it 47 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Liar, the liquid from one glowstick wouldn't be nearly bright enough.

I've had glow stick liquid on me before, it can be pretty bright.

Have you ever heard of taking your shirt off?

kat_lovesyoukno 0

lol i wouldn't have let you hid with me i would of pushed you out of the bushes

That might've been awesome if you weren't drunk and hadn't gotten arrested.

joethebiden 8

It must be a provincial thing. In Quebec it is illegal to sell booze to a minor, yet underage drinking is extremely widespread and I've never heard of any party in a private residence interrupted by cops. Nor of anyone ever getting arrested for underage drinking.

smkeryday 0

who plays with glowsticks when there drunk..don t lie yall were blowin dooors and thats why u got arrested"if this is foreal neway"

lovejamienicole 0

ffaakkkeee. glow stick innards do not glow more than a few minutes. once out of the glowstick.

CaliSunshine 0

True, I was going to say the same thing. I have broken open glow-sticks before and the liquid fades within a few seconds to a minute at most.