By Username - 09/08/2011 21:21 - United States

Today, I was asked how far I've gone with a guy. My answer? Eye contact. I'm 19. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 671
You deserved it 8 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You held EYE CONTACT with him? YOU *****.

takeapieandrun 9

Don't worry, there are plenty of people in the same situation. It's nothing to be ashamed of.


So what? Are you cursing your life for not having more intimate contact with other people? Mature up and find personal completion in other , not meaningless things.

by eye contact she mean undressin him woth her eyes and bangin him in her mind....

Digitalluv 0

god forbid you havent had a boyfriend. get over it.

So? There is no One Correct Way to have relationships in your life. If you're not satisfied with what you've been doing, do something different. If you're fine with not being intimate or romantic, don't let people push you into it. People who shame others for being virgins or for being '*****' are idiots who can't see that not everyone wants the same things out of life at the same times.

QfiggyQ 10

Don't feel bad! My answer would be exactly the same.

glompable 19

Eh, whatever. I'm 21 and the only reason I've even kissed a guy is thanks to the a-a-a-alcohol.. Dx

Being a virgin is fine but everyone who thinks having sex means you'll get pregnant or an STD is overreacting.