By logic - 18/01/2016 15:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I was asked by my live-in landlord not to put too much water in the kettle because it made the utility bills too high. This is the same woman who takes daily baths. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 297
You deserved it 2 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

next time she asks you to stop, say you're boiling water to take baths the old fashioned way

The world is full of hypocrites and its our job to deal with them lol


Who tf doesn't take a shower everyday

leogachi 15

@48 Most people I know don't take showers every day because it's simply not necessary unless you work up a sweat or get covered in filth every day.

It's been theorized that showering every other day is actually healthier for you.

Most people I know shower every other day unless they need a shower because of a workout, or they got dirty. A quick shower everyday would not be the same as a bath everyday.

Daily showers are an American invention.

ellerios82 8
aeryn97 17

I agree FYL BUT baths are more cost effective than showers and regular bathing is essential for health. filling up the kettle is not.

I'm sorry, but how are baths more cost effective? Are you filling it up just so it covers your feet? If so, you're doing it wrong my friend.

Baths use up significantly less water than a shower does. Even if you do fill it up all the way look it up

aeryn97 17

dear #80 next time you're in a bath/shower plug the drain. you'll be amazed at how quickly it fills up. most people do not take 3 min showers (especially girls). I've actually read the shower vs bath debate in an environmental science book. a standard 10-15 min shower can very well likely use more water than a bath.

aeryn97 17

why am I getting down voted? don't believe me? plug your bath during your next shower if you can. fills up quickly.

Who doesn't take daily baths? If you don't you probably stank!

Kristoffer 35

Most Americans will not get this FML. It's custom in the States to bathe or shower every day, sometimes more than once per day. In the UK, Europe and for most of the rest of the planet it's 2-3 bathings per week with a cloth wipedown when necessary.

Jwaye2 7

We shower atleast once or twice a day in Aus too. But water is free for most of us so it doesnt cost us anything. Dont think i could go more than two days without a shower unless im out camoing or something.

@65: I wouldn't go as far as to say 'most' Americans. There are a lot of people who do not follow this 'custom'. Some would rather bathe/shower every other day, but it's really a matter of personal preference for most.

Am I the only one who thinks this isn't about the WATER, but is about the ELECTRICITY? You're using much more electric to heat a full kettle of water every time than you are heating just enough for a drink etc.... considering items with heating elements in tend to use more electricity, she kinda makes sense.

You can wash in a basin or have a shower but a bath uses a lot of water

It's actually not good for your skin if you bathe daily, every couple of days is fine.

quarterbird 18

A. Griping about the amount of water in a kettle is petty and nutty. B. What's wrong with daily baths? What kind of nasty ass DOESN'T bathe daily?

Thats why I only shower once every other week. Saves money and the environment!