By Ashe - 01/06/2012 17:58 - Australia - Carrum

Today, I was admitted to hospital for suspected kidney failure. I called my best friend to let her know I couldn't make it to her birthday party tonight. She seemed to be infinitely more upset that I wouldn't be able to give her a birthday present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 536
You deserved it 2 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't believe she deserves the title "best friend". Or "friend" at all, for that matter.

hockeyoceancity 13

She is a horrible friend... I hope your kidney is okay OP.


I feel your pain.....I fell and tore ligaments, when I phoned a friend to say I couldn't go out the reply was "what about me". Friend was non friend pronto

Simple solution. 1) Have your kidney removed/replaced. 2) Put your kidney in a jar. 3) Rest and get well soon. 4) When recovered, wrap the jar and put a shiny bow on top. 5) Tell her you're sorry that you couldn't come to her party, but you got her something anyway. 6) Watch her open it.

zuzupetalsYO 11

Best friends are over rated. Stupid bitches.

No one needs friends like that op. Get well soon x

Really, is she 5? Well Nevermind even a 5 year old would be concerned and selfless. I think it's time to check that one off the friends list. Get well soon.

wtf wrong with people these days, if I was ur friend I would have slapped myself with a wet fish, canceled the party then came to visit u at the hospital !!